I create from instinct and research, it is kind of a delicate combination that I have not yet managed to understand fully. I somehow believe the best ideas are the instinctual ones, but who knows what is instinctual anyway and research probably results in instincts? Anyway, I do believe it is tricky to understand where my ideas or creations come from. They simply occur and they seem to always end up in a fairly similar (Ihatethisword) style.
Yesterday I found out about the artist David Shrigley, had a look through his work, and started growing an understanding of my own work that has not been clear to me before that moment. It was definitely a going-from-a-dark-cloudy-to-a-bright-sunny-sky-in-a-short-second-sort-of-moment. Shrigley's work is to me quite (what we would stereotypically state as) childlike, distinct and it screams for attention. LOOK AT ME. HEAR ME. SEE ME. That is my interpretation. It reminded me of humans' constant hunt for satisfaction, at the same time as trying to fit in (get confirmed by others) to the system around them. I'll call it - jumping on the conveyor belt and just coming along.

I could write for ages, but then this will be way to long for anyone to cope with so let's just say this - I think a lot of what I create comes from ideas and the characters that are direct with their feelings, wishes, and needs. That are not accepting that they are a cultural or social product packaged and ready to be sent off. Characters that don't say or do what they should because they are adults or babies or white or tall anything else, because why would they? It is childish? Maybe, because of course everyone is a cultural and social product to a certain extent. Well, I think I want to create pieces that ask if we have to do it this way and suggest new ways. Whatever they might be? Or just suggests doing your own way. Or suggests nothing at all, but is questioning enough for you to start feeling a little bit uncomfortable or weird or something. Because just as Shrigley's artwork, I believe, no I state, that we all have the childlike wishes, needs, and thoughts inside, but that we don't act on them. We BEHAVE, and learn to keep them to ourselves. Because now that we are on the conveyor band it is difficult to jump off onto the scary real world with lions and other bodies and the sky that we know nothing about.
To end up this messy chapter of my brain I think the conclusion is that I like the explosive-thinking-mind humans have been given. My explosive thinking. Your explosive thinking. Our ups and downs and serious and lightheartedness, our euphoric emotions and devastated ones exist for a reason. Lay on the floor and eat, ride a cow, jump on the conveyor band, live on a roof. PLAY.
And I'll keep creating from these thoughts.
